Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It has started

The Kitty Winkle Revolution has started. They will attack on November 7th...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Join The Revolution

Its almost time guys. Soon, the Kitty Winkles revolution will start.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Hey guys! Due to the popularity of this blog I will be expanding. What does this mean? This is important! Well, if you like this blog it will be.

1: There is a chance that the blog address may change. It could change completely change or MIGHT be something like this;  I don't know, we will have to wait a see.

2: There might be a chance that the purpose of the blog might change. Dunno.

3: I might expand to other social network sites, like Twitter and stuff.

I think that's it. Mr_Meow_Neow signing off.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Victory *1... -.-

I finished one more book! It is called 'Okay for Now'. Pwetty cool., but the ending (SAD FACE). I am so glad of how much this blog has grown. Don't for get to +. :D

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gaming is soooo M+

Video games are everywhere, and I can't play them >.< I want to play Darksiderers2 but what do you know? It's rated M for Mature. Borderlands 2 I can understand but... Ugh! I will have to be contempt with watching play throughs... Silent Fume >.<

I'm so swowy!

Guys I have failed you. I have been reading way to much Negima! which is infact a manga. Why is this such a problemo? The problem is that I dont count manga as a book. So even though i have read 28 volumes, it doesn't count. Sorry guys.

Another thing. Please Google+ this blog, share it on Facebook, or tweet it on Twitter. I would really appreaciate it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey guys! I did ALOT of changes. First I changed the template. This will affect how many things will works. Since I changed the template all the fun things that added are now visible. I added a fish. As you know cat like to play with fish. I added a poll that you might want to answer. You can + this blog. I am trying to learn how to add you to my circle but I cant seem to figure it out. I have lots of plans for this blog. Please try and show stuff.

For things for books. I am 75% done with one book and I am starting on another. So I feeling pretty good. I have a three day weekend so I hope to make it farther in my books.

See you laters,


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Epic Shock

Dear Kitty Winkles above. Gosh guys, when I said I appreciated your page view I didn't expect you to add 200 more page views! I mean I was already in possesion of two more new books, I mean come on guys! I'm just kidding. Thank you guys so much . As always Mr_Meow_Meow out peace! Boo-Yah.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I do have a Google+. You can follow that. Just circle me with that pen. Yup right there. Add another glasses on my face.

I have glasses


App re cia tion

Oh dear. It has only been a few weeks and my, my. We have progressed. Do you remember in the beginning when I said stuff about page views? Well guess-whaters? We 209 of them! That's almost 210 XD. Yeah that means my blog has been looked at 209 times. I like this. I still haven't seen any comments... Why not guys? C'mon! Tell me you love me, hate me, that you love french chicken! ANYTHING. I'm perfectly fine.

This post is dedicated to Cupcakes. Both the person and the dessert.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Books are happiness

Hello friends, enemies, and other kit-kats, I have returned bearing news! Here in Wiscoonnnssiinn (Wisconsin) is very cold. I have read 3 amazing books. There are very fun. So now my total book count is 5 books. True, I am going slower than my goal but still, I hope that I can get there anyway. Wish me luck, because I am halfway into 2 other books.

Small Steps by Louis Sachar (Finished)
The Alchemist by whoever(Finished)
Another book (Finished)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012


Hi guys! It me Mr_Meow_Meow! I hope you haven't given up on me :D Its just that I will only post on weekeds (+Friday) so I hope I didn't scare you. Yes I have been reading :P.

Peter and the Shadow Thieves (Fininshed)
Green Dragon Codex (Finished)

Thats right! I got TWO books done =^.^=.

It is getting really cold up here in Wisconsin. Now I can curl up with a couple books this weekend. I am also going to be post a quick short story. Could you tell me something I should improve on in the comments? Also could you please request a book?


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I read 100+ pages in another book. I am tired a little. How are you doing? I am good. Lawls


Monday, October 1, 2012

No Good Ending Without Any Nice Begining

Well, here we are. We will start our journey, we shall dive into the page, we shall reach new heights. Then again...Not a lot of people have read this blog anyway. I don't think you have been doing your part. Just go and saunter on over to this very interesting blog post -> HERE and just read the part about advertization.Thanks.

Let's officially start. I have started reading. Yup started with 3 books. Later I will be posting the covers when I am finished with the books. So what are these mysterious books anyway, you ask. Well here we go.

I started on a book called 'Peter and the Shadow Thieves'. It's quite hefty, but I think I'll manage. Along with that I got another from the library called The Outcasts. That ones even thicker but... I gotta reach my goal page amount. Along with that I borrowed a book at my school called The Green Dragon Codex. At this rate I will go WAYYYYY over my goal book count. Stick with me guys!
