Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mr_Meow_Meow's List of Games to Look Out For

I am an avid reader of ‘Game Informer’ (, and when I don’t really want to read all of it, I come back and read it afterwards. So here are some games that look interesting. These games are not yet released, for things to be interesting. Along with that they, might be rated M for Mature or anything in that department.

Dead Space 3| Publisher: EA (Electronic Arts) | Developer: Visceral Games | Release: February 5, 2012

Platform: PlayStation3 + Xbox 360 | 1-Player Shooter + 2-Player Online

Games that include blood and gore; I usually try to ignore them. Then again if there is a reason for blowing someone’s brains out it seems a-okay. I have never played the Dead Space franchise, so I am not quite sure what the point is. From what I have read, it is about human survival in a futuristic time zone. Despite the pew-pewing, I am quite interested in this game. Why? Well there just happens to be a feature that allows you to create your own vision. From an electric lightning bolt shooting sniper rifle, to a rocket launcher shot gun you can create it. I am not sure how you can bring it into reality- according to the article it only creates a blueprint- but it sound fun.


The Last of Us | Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment | Developer: Naughty Dog | Release: 2013

Platform: PlayStation3 | 1-Player Action + Multiplayer TBA

I love The Walking Dead; I suppose that this game will be a bit more evolved. Don’t hate on me just yet! I don’t know, I basing this assumption from the photos and the article. The Walking Dead had an art style that is remarkable, am I right? Well this game has higher detail. Again I am just basing this from photos. When I saw pictures of Borderlands 2 I thought I looked ugly, but when I saw the game in motion, I was blown away. I guess we just have to wait for more.



Watch Dogs | Publisher: Ubisoft | Devoloper: Ubisoft Montreal | Release: TBA | Platform: PlayStation3 + Xbox 360 + PC | 1-Player Action + Multiplayer TBA

Of the E3 issue of Game Informer this one had me quite interested. The game Watch Dogs incorporates James Bond-ish main character and what looks like a Hitman-like action. With gadgets like the Profiler, the main character Pearce can call up information about whoever he encounters in the game. Another interesting characteristic is the interactivity of the environment. Flipping over cars like a more modern Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) will definitely make you feel like a feline ninja.


Tomb Raider | Publisher: Square Enix | Developer: Crystal Dynamics | Release: March 5, 2012 | Platform: Playstation3 + Xbox360 + PC | 1-Player Action

Poor Laura; she just wanted to go a Royal Caribbean cruise because she was persuaded by the commercials. This is obviously not true, but she did find herself on a wreckage of a ship. In the demo, she travels around looking for survivors. She is rewarded with nothing but a radio that reaches nothing but static and single match. She lights a diminutive fire, and falls into a silent, blissful sleep. Upon awakening, she finds her need for warmth cast aside for a more important matter; hunger. With hunger clawing at her stomach she goes out to explore the forest for food. When she stumbles upon a decaying body strung up on a tree, she doesn’t truly mind for she is focused on the bow on the unfortunate person. She reclaims the weapon and now is ready to hunt. She falls a deer with a couple shots, and when skinning the animal she is rewarded with XP. XP is a new addition to Lara’s gaming experience. Using XP will allow her to upgrade her items, weapons, and get and increase her skills. An example of these skills is Hunter, which makes edible animals stand out on the screen.



Star Wars: 1313 | Publisher: LucasArts | Developer: LucasArts | Release: TBA | Platform: TBA (PC?) | Style: TBA

All though there is practically no information on this game in general I can supply you with information given by the article’s author Andrew Reiner. In a book called Boba Fett: Maze of Deception, the bounty hunter goes under the pseudonym (alias) CT-1313. Is this the main character? LucasArts refuses to say, all that they hint at is that main character will be ‘a lethal bounty hunter’. Sounds pretty close. Apparently the character in the demo, a ‘snarky’ twenty-year old and a ‘grizzly’ bounty hunter that adores spitting out liners are just scrap characters; only for show off and to test out body motion and facial expressions of the characters. It does seem to pay off… a little too much. Such minute details are expressed that it doesn’t seem to be this generation. LucasArts were allusive about Next-Gen consoles but they did say that the game was running on a high-end Pc using a highly altered version of Epic’s Unreal 3 Engine. This isn’t the first time LucasArt’s showed off amazing graphics, like when they announced The Force Unleashed, I guess we just have to look out for more info.



SimCity | Publisher: EA | Developer: Maxis | Release: March 5 | Platform: PC |

Style: 1-Player Simulation + Online TBA

The first time I played SimCity it was on my Nintendo DS Lite, bottom line; I hated it. So when I went to my friend’s house and realized he was a fan on SimCity I did not know what to think about him. Then, when he had somehow enticed me to come to the computer and booted up SimCity, and I looked at his world the first thing I said was, “This is awesome!” Now with the new SimCity releasing early next year, after almost 10 years with no word about the game, I felt great. Maxis has reinvented the game, adding little tweaks, like how roads automatically carry water and electricity to your zones. Yes, they did keep the classis zones. They did change a couple things about that; like how you can’t zone without roads, so you better build near the highway that reaches through all the zones. Another thing is how you must communicate with other towns. So if you have plans of building a sprawling metropolitan-like city, you better have a good plan; it won’t be too easy anymore.



The Cave | Publisher: Sega | Developer: Double Fine | Release: 2013 | Platform: PlayStation3 + Xbox360 + PC | Style: 1-3 player Adventure

Sega has made many different games, and fun-to-play games, with The Cave on the way, Sega will definitely become ‘unique’. The seven adventurers all have their own little back story. The list includes, a monk seeking his lost master, an ominous set of twins looking for their parents, and a time traveler trying to fix a wrong one-million years in the making. The quirky art style and 2D side scrolling gameplay looks very fun.



Crysis 3 | Publisher: EA | Developer: Crytek | Release: Febuary 13, 2012 | Platform: Playstation3 + Xbox360 + PC | Style: 1-Player Shooter + Multiplayer TBA

A guy in a sweet looking suit holding some big, menacing assault rifle is bad enough, but the same guy holding a freaking composite bow… I admit to being scared. Crytek hasn’t shifted the suit’s physical appearance too much, but the Nano suit has different abilities. Also remember how you could just go invisible and just zoom past enemies without any confrontation, or as you pointed at the screen and laughed as the NPCs walked into walls? Well… Heheheh. You can still cloak and avoid enemies, but you will be giving up some sweet loot. Plus, NPCs aren’t that dumb anymore. Aside from that environments now have special secrets so now you have reasons to explore dilapidated buildings.



Fortnite | Publisher: Epic Games | Developer: Epic Games | Release: TBA | Platform: PC | Style: 1-Player Action + Online TBA

Epic Games has decided to unveil its own beautiful, hi-def, version of Minecraft. There are some variations like how you have to explore areas for materials, but in the end you have to go home and defend your house from the evils that probe your defenses at night.  Fortnite also harnesses the new engine Unreal Engine 4. So some cool graphics are in store.



Battlefield 4 | Publisher: EA | Developer: DICE | Release: TBA | Platform: TBA | Styple: TBA

There is nothing besides the announcement but it sounds like some happiness.



Remember Me | Publisher: Capcom | Developer: Dontnod Entertainment | Release: May 2013 | Platform: Playstation3 + Xbox360 + PC | Style: 1-Player Action

A heroine now holds the ability to both travel through time and make her own combo moves. In truth this seems very interesting but I seem a little put off by the graphics. They seem a little… grainy.


Warface | Publisher: Trion Woods| Developer: Crytek | Release: Winter | Platform: PC | Style: 1-Player Shooter + 16-Player Online

Crytek’s CEO has repeatedly expressed his point of view that Free-To-Play is the future. Now it’s the time to show it. Warface brings high-end graphics, and revolutionary mechanics not yet seen in ‘real games’. The promise of constantly updating the game, with new maps every day, it seems like they want to create a free-to-play rivaling Crytek’s own Crysis.


Fuse | Publisher: EA |Developer: Insomnniac | Release: March | Platform: Playstation3 + Xbox360 | Style: 1 or 2-Player Shooter + 4-Player Online

Fuse, formerly Overstrike, incorporates a mechanic rarely used. Multiple viewpoints. Not only does each character have revolutionary weapons, you can also switch from character to character. One character is a tough spot? Switch to another and snipe the enemies down.



Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Publisher: Namco Bandai | Developer: Level-5 | Release: January 22, 2012 | Platform: Playstation3| Style 1-Player Role-Playing

This collaboration between Level-5 and Studio Ghibli will reach more heights in your imagination. With attention to detail of facial expression and environments, this game will create a world in the category of RPG that has been sitting on the shelf waiting for something like this to come around. With a memorable battle style and cinematic story, I will be waiting for this one.


Dead Island: Riptide | Publisher: Deep Silver | Developer: Techland | Release: 2013 | Platform: PlayStation3 + Xbox360 + PC| 1-Player Action + 4-Player Online

Yes, it is a sequel. Now with mines, a new story, improved graphics both of characters and environments, both new and old characters, and weapons still dominate zombies any day. Oh, and boats.



Beyond: Two Souls | Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment | Developer: Quantic Dream | Release: 2013 | Platform: PlayStation3 | Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

‘Heavy Rain’s developer, Quantic Dream, wants to bring you into a beautiful, cinematic, gaming experience, where your choices mean life or death for Jodie, the heroine. In this story you take place of a spirit like being that will help Jodie escape for some reason from police. Bad girl! Explosions included.



Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs | Publisher: Frictional Games | Developer: thechineseroom

Prepare to pee your paints one more time. Only now, there is the Victorian Age.

And there we are (Sorry for the beginning word). These are the games that I find interesting. Do you like posts like this? Leave a comment, or send me an email at:

Don’t forget to check out my Youtube Channel, and become a Kitty Winkle by registering as a member on my website website.


·         The games listed are only what I have deemed worthy on my list. You may disagree on what should be or not be placed on the list. You can post a comment but do not expect me to be nice. If you really want me to be clear, I used Game Informer issues 232-236. For more in-depth information on the games listed please purchase, borrow, or steal (I don’t recommend it) those issues.

·         I think I might be doing something like this every two or three issues of Game Informer. If you like this, tell me by sending me an email, or leaving a comment, or registering on the website. Any of these actions will inform me that I am doing the right things.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mr Worldwide??

Guys... What is this:

United States
United Kingdom

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Traffic on the highway

If anyone has daned to notice we are almost at 900 page views. That means one more thank you. This one will be a little advance but I think you can manage 12 page views right? So uhh... Thanks. As much as I like page views I like comments better.. Did you get that hint?

;d Kitty Meow Signature
=^_^= Mr_Meow_Meow Signature

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blog post

Hello my kitty winkles, how do you fare today? I am well thank you for your consideration. This is a blog post of hope. Of hope to those affected to those affected by Sandy, those who cannot stand up for themselves. Not all of us can donate, not all us can give condolences personally, but we can give an effort, we can show we care! Leave a message to those who cannot help themselves or those who are desperately trying but just cannot. Leave a comment to them.

"If we take the initiative to step forward, to forget the past; to think of the here...
Well then you will start a wave, a tsunami of people who will follow your lead, follow your dream. Though be careful, being a leader is very hard, for if you lead them in the wrong direction they will follow that path; and a tsunami is very hard to block."
-Daeniel Datu (p.k.a. Mr_Meow_Meow)

Now that is quite a long quote, plus I just made it up on the spot, you get the point. Oh. I just revealed my name... Well, it's pronounced: Daniel. It is just spelled that way; that 'e' is not
a typo. Oh also I have a e-mail you can now e-mail me at:
Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel, subscribe, comment, like, favorite, or just tell you friends.
1Mah YouTube

Back on track. I have finished two books. The final book in the Bartimaues Trilogy, P'tolemy's Gate, and The Hunger Games. People, of you have not read the Bartimaues Trilogy, please do. It is a beautifully crafted story. The characters are lovable, they come alive in front of you. The emotion become yours as you progress through the plot. In addition I am 3/4 done with a standalone Bartimaues novel, along with Blood Noir- a quite mature and difficult to digest novel- and with the second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire. So I really do plan to exceed my goal.

I also want to let you know of a book that you might know of but should be aware of anyway:

Eon by Alison Goodman- and it's sequel,
Eona by the same person

Lastly if you like long blog posts like this one leave a comment telling me so. Visit my website,

Mr_Meow_Meow signing off.

Note: This entire post was written on a iPhone. With one finger -.-

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Youtube Branch

I have made a Youtube channel, and it currently has two videos! now you can hear what I sound like. I dunno about a webcam jusstt yet.

Podcasty Like video:
Scary Game Video:
Don't forget to click the ads on the side for me :D

Don't forget to check my website:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Quick Links

This blog post will take you to some of my profiles.

Booksie: Booksie is where I sometimes share some of my writing online.
CanIhazaCheezburger: I dont really go on here alot
Goodreads: Mah Books.
Kidstube: Gosh. I was just checking my username and this popped up. This is so old.

I think thats out.

This is a video that I found surfing some recent videos. He deserves your support.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It is the time

Do you Kitty Winkles remember when I said that I would not only read books, but also review them and post their covers? Well that's this blog post. Without further ado...

Peter and the Starcatchers

Review: Not bad. It creates a whole new realm never seen before in anything Peter Pan. Whoops, spoilers.

Green Dragon Codex

Review: Okay. Could be a little longer but still is quite nice.

The Amulet of Samarkand
 Review: AMAZING. This is book anyone can read, humor and everything, Jonathan Stroud creates something never, ever, done before.

The Golems Eye
 Review: Nice. Not the best sequel, but still is quite nice. Its extremely long length probably contributes to the problem.

Small Steps

Review: Good. Heartwarming. Enough said.

The Alchemist

Review: A great start. A wonderful to a series that has a lot to make up. This book raises the bar for any other sequels.

The Magician

Review: UHH. No just no. This is horrible. Worst sequel ever.

Okay for Now

Review: Nice. The ending was just so saaadddd :(

Gregor the Overlander

Review: Very good. Good throughout. Oh dear, this book is quite wonderful.


 Review: Wow. Entertaining from beginning to end.

Well guys. That's that. I hit the mark and barely. 10 books. Phew. I hope to do better next month. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment or leave a message to me on my official website. 

 I think that's it. Oh right. I will be posting a small poll on the side of the blog. If you are on a mobile phone you will have to go to the bottom of the blog a click 'View web version' or what ever. Yup, that's it now. Signing off... (Shoot, I have to make the poll first)


Saturday, November 3, 2012

I haven't forgotten

True I am busy with my new website, but I am still reading. I have finished with two more books:

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
Found by Margaret Haddix

Yes, that is the same person who did 'The Hunger Games'. Check it out. After finishing these I leaped into a new book: Blood Noir. It's long... and slightly weird. Also don't forget to check my website and register there.


